Nepali storyteller Mr. Saigrace Pokharel at Thok Upabhokta!

  • May 05, 2024
  • 2081/01/16

    We had the immense pleasure of welcoming the dynamic Nepali storyteller, Mr. Saigrace Pokharel, at Thok Upabhokta! \"📚\" His visit was nothing short of inspiring, filled with stories that captivated our hearts and minds.

    To honor his presence, we presented him with our finest Alpine Slim Tea, a token of appreciation for his exceptional talent and contribution to Nepali storytelling. \"☕️\"\"🏔️\"

    We are sad to say goodbye to Saigrace from Jhapa but we\'re thrilled to announce his next adventure: a Word Tour with Saigrace, taking him across the beautiful landscapes of Nepal! \"🗺️\"\"🎤\"

    Stay tuned for updates as he embarks on this exciting journey, spreading the magic of words and tales far and wide. Let\'s cheer on this youth icon as he continues to inspire and enchant audiences everywhere! \"🌟\"\"📖\" #WordTourWithSaigrace #NepaliStorytelling #YouthIcon #Alpine #thokupabhokta